Sunday, 13 January 2008

Sunn 0))) at the Kentish Forum in London

Thirty days after witnessing the megalithic musical concept and what can only be the most thunderous sound ever created, the effect of seeing Sunn0))) live has still not worn off. If we could grade the importance of a live concert by the impression made on a listener, then this performance can only get the highest marks.

We seem to think of life as an inexhaustible well, but things happen only a certain number of times and a small number really. How many more times would you remember an event from your life, five of six times perhaps, maybe less; some after noon so deeply part of your being, that you cannot even consider living without it, perhaps five or six times more, perhaps less.

However in this case the experience was beyond recording memories, because the composition of Sunn 0))) can barely be called musical, alchemy could only be the only appropriate word to describe this noise, sound which is not heard, but felt with your loins. This experience is something which has imbedded itself on to the brain and which I do not have to go back to remember, but rather remains attached as a stain on my mind.

Call me impressionable but until one has not seen Sunn 0))) live, cannot compare it to any other concert. Go check this band live and while you’re at it, take a deaf friend with you, they might just be able to hear it.

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